Techinsole won Bronze Medal in Geneva 48th International Innovation Festival 2022.
Geneva Inventions, is amongst the most reputable innovation festivals in the whole world. Innovators from all over the world competed in this festival in different categories, and we are happy to announce that we won this title.
Thanks to all our teammates who have worked very hard to achieve this. It is because of the combined efforts of each one of our employees that we reached to this success.
This is just one milestone and we have more such awards to bag.
All the best for the journey ahead.
Techinsole won silver medal in 7th INTERNATIONAL INVENTIONS FAIR (ISIF'22)
ISIF’22 was held at city of Turkey, SAMSUN, with the Honorary Patronage of Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology, hosted by Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TURKPATENT). It was held under the international patronage of International Federation of Inventors’ Association (IFIA), organized by Anatolia Inventions and Inventors Association, supported by World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Turkish Technology Team.
ISIF was held simultaneously with TEKNOFEST, the world’s biggest space, aviation and technology festival. We are proud to have received this award. Thanks our teammates who helped us get this medal.

Our solution
As patients with neuropathy may not feel pain, daily foot, and shoe examinations performed by patients or caregivers are essential for preventing complications. Our insole sensors take over the monitoring function and transmit to a handheld monitor so that the patient or practioner can be notified beforehand. Through sensors in the insole, our home-based thermometry identifies pre-ulcerative plantar inflammation, as reflected by elevated temperatures. Patients can be counseled to limit their activity when such inflammation is present, just as they are instructed to modify insulin dosing after checking their blood glucose level.
Our solution can eliminate critical barriers such as the burden of having to check foot temperature at several locations on foot daily throughout a lifetime. The lack of easy access to calibrated equipment is also overcome by our technological advancement, as the monitor is a wearable device. Our technology is cost-effective, and the patient does not have to worry about the lack of reimbursement by insurance programs and health ministries.

We provide high quality services
The variable smart sensors give this opportunity to feel comfort on diabetes feet
Key Success
Free Initial Consultation
Cutting Edge Technology
Activity Suggestions
Diabetic Ulcer Rehabilitation
Key Success
Free Initial Consultation
Cutting Edge Technology
Activity Suggestions
Diabetic Ulcer Rehabilitation